America's Lost Treasures

I’ve been fascinated with stories of lost treasures and the legends associated with them for as long as I can remember. 

Tales of lost mines, buried loot, and lost Spanish treasure have captivated my imagination and stolen much of my time. Hours spent in dusty archives and historical societies researching this story and that, trying to find the truth in a sea of embellished tales, only to be left, more often than not, with more questions and what could only be described as questionable leads, at best. 

But, in all truthfulness, it’s the search and the collection of stories and legends that really motivates me. Sure, the thought of unearthing a long lost stash of gold coins worth millions is enough to motivate anyone, but, the reality is that most times we only end up finding enough change to buy a cup of coffee, if that. Usually it’s a broken shovel or a few rusted cans.

Still, the search goes on. For me, I find my treasure in the telling of legends, the stories of the lost loot and the characters associated with them. Keeping the tales and stories alive for future generations of treasure hunters is kind of like hitting the mother lode for a guy like me. That’s why I decided to start chronicling these stories in the “America’s Lost Treasures” series. I hope you will take a minute to check them out.

Click HERE to buy Lost Treasures of the Ozarks

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