Gold, as the old adage goes, is where you find it, and the same goes for lost and buried treasure. You can research, track down leads, and search in the most likely areas and still come up empty handed. Then one day, completely by accident, you turn over a shovel full of dirt and there’s a rusty old coffee can containing dozens and dozens of old coins. Treasure hunting sometimes boils down to nothing but dumb luck. But, dumb luck aside, there’s a lot to be said for researching and wading through the thousands of lost treasure stories and legends that are found in every state in America as well as the world over.

History and obscure legends, especially those associated with lost treasures and buried loot have always held my interest, as does the field of paranormal research and investigation. And while I’ve devoted decades to investigating the unknown, I’ve also actively researched, investigated and collected stories of lost mines, buried treasures, and lost artifacts for close to forty years. Researching and digging into those stories have been some of the most enjoyable moments of my life. And in a few extremely rare instances, they’ve turned into profitable moments as well.

My love of these stories and legends prompted me to start the “America’s Lost Treasures” series in hopes of preserving these tales for future generations to come. I hope that you will find enjoyment and value in these stories.

W.L. “Bud” Steed 

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